::Batch RTF to TXT Converter

RTF to TXT, RTF to Text Converter. RTF to TXT, RTF to Text Converter publish RTF to Text file.Batch RTF TO TXT Converter is a RTF to TXT Batch Converter can convert RTF to Text easily. Batch RTF TO TXT Converter supports powerful search for lots of files. A TXT publisher for RTF.
Batch RTF TO TXT Converter supports project and command line. Batch RTF TO TXT Converter has a friendly GUI so it is used very easily. Batch RTF TO TXT Converter Drag and Explorer Context supported.
Batch RTF TO TXT Converter supports an efficient Multi-Thread conversion engine. So you could control the conversion action very easily. You can stop or pause and continue it in any time.
You can save your conversion work in a project file (.batch-rtf2txt) for re-use. You can run the batch-rtf2txt project in Microsoft Windows Explorer or command line directly.
The main features of Batch RTF to TXT Converter:
- Convert RTF to TEXT easily.
- Batch convert RTF to TXT with GUI that supports powerful search function.
- Supports convert a rtf/richtext file.
- Supports convert rtf/rich text files in a folder.
- Drag and context menu with Microsoft Explorer supported.
- Supports batch project and command line.
- An efficient high-speed Multi-Thread conversion engine.
- Intel x86/x64, Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8/WinServer 2000-2012
- rtf to txt, rtf to text, rich text format to plain text, rtf to txt converter, rtf to text converter